by Katie | Jun 4, 2019 | Families, News
On Sunday 16th June 2019 we will be offering extra big discounts. Get 20% off Dad’s ticket or 10% off a family ticket. This discount is only running on Father’s Day. Please either say the following or show this webpage on your phone to a member of staff at MAD’s...
by Katie | May 13, 2019 | Educators, Families, News
What are Gears? Gears rotate together to move part of a machine. They are a fundamentally important mechanism in everyday life, you’ll find them in cars, clocks, kitchen mixers, bikes, vacuum cleaners and many other items. Gears are wheels with teeth that slot...
by Katie | May 1, 2019 | Events, Families, News, Press
In the early hours of Monday 29th April, we opened up our MAD Museum for an extra special reason. After a couple of months of planning, a film crew and 2 presenters from ‘All Over The Place’ came to film a MAD feature. ‘All Over The Place’ is a very popular...
by Katie | Apr 29, 2019 | Families, News
May Bank Holidays On both Monday 6th May and Monday 27th May, The MAD Museum will be open from 10:00am until 5:30pm. Last entry at 4:15pm. May Half Term Opening Times From Saturday 25th May until Sunday 2nd June 2019, we will be open every day from 10:00am...
by Katie | Apr 25, 2019 | Events, Families, News, Press
Sunday 5th and Bank Holiday Monday 6th May. Over this 2-day festival, there will be an array of fantastic cars and activities for all ages. Stratford will be transformed into an engine-enthusiasts haven. The 2019 Festival of Motoring on May Bank Holiday...
by Katie | Apr 11, 2019 | Educators, Families, Shop
Try our NEW Linkages construction kits – brought to you by Timberkits. Timberkits supply our MAD Museum with many different automata building kits (find out more here) but they have recently expanded on their educational range. For some time now we have been offering...