Premier Inn Launch

Here’s a photo from the recent Premier Inn launch for the chain’s newest hotel, where we were asked to provide one of our kinetic artworks to help add some magic to proceedings:             The machine we exhibited was a...

Garden transformed

The MAD garden has gone from this….           to this, in less than 3 weeks…            

The hard work continues….

With just 4 weeks to go (yes, four!) until our official opening, unsurprisingly the hard work is continuing in earnest over at the museum. Painters, electricians, gardeners, carpenters, installation men, lighting consultants, security engineers….you name them,...

The MAD Garden

The hard work at the museum continues in earnest, and we finally were able to make a start on the garden last week. With the help of a few diggers and dumper trucks, it was only a few days before the area went from looking like this:          ...

Pascal Bettex- Le Mechanisms De L’Argent

Last Friday, February 10th, saw the museum take delivery of a fantastic machine by the Swiss Kinetic Artist Pascal Bettex. It is in fact the first machine to be fully set-up and installed inside the museum. Here’s a sneak preview, but to see it in action...