The Chevy is almost back!

A few weeks ago, I excitedly announced that we had purchased a 1939 Chevrolet Pick-up truck to use as the official vehicle for the MAD Museum. As yet however, The MAD team haven’t had a chance to take the new wheels out on the road, as it has been undergoing...

Paint job

The upper floor of the museum has been given a proper makeover, with the new colours totally transforming the look of the room. Downstairs to follow shortly:                    ...

Back to London

We were back in London on Tuesday to take in The Science Museum and Ripley’s Believe It or Not. We enjoyed them both immensely, although perhaps we got slightly carried away in The Science Museum gift shop….              ...

Men at Work

With The MAD Museum opening in a matter of weeks, we’ve been getting our hands dirty over in Stratford in order to get the building ready for the public. Here are some recent photos: Painting the staff room…           Building...

Kinetica Exhibition 2012

We are delighted to announce that The MAD Museum will be at the Kinetica Art Fair in London next month. We have just secured a place at the exhibition, which runs from 9th – 12th February 2012. We look forward to meeting lots of kinetic artists and seeing their...