Upfront Payments

Please note that as of October 2019, a booking will only be deemed as confirmed once payment has been received in full. We reserve the right to cancel your provisional booking at any time prior to payment being received. Due to the museum’s size, we are restricted to hosting only one group at a time, meaning that should a group cancel without having paid, we lose out financially as it is often too late to book a replacement group in.


Changing Your Booking

Should you wish to bring any additional pupils and supervising adults or make any other booking changes, please inform us at least a week in advance of your visit. The booking is confirmed when the payment has been received. Group discount rates are subject to availability and pre-booking is essential. For late bookings, you may need to buy tickets priced at the general admission rate. No refunds will be given for any pre-paid visitors not present on the day.


Cancellations & Rearranged Bookings

If a school wishes to cancel its booking it is important that advance notice is given, allowing the museum to fill booking slots with other groups. Bookings must be cancelled over the phone (Mon – Fri Tel: 01926 865839) or via email (bookings@themadmuseum.co.uk). Refunds cannot be given for cancelled groups. If you can no longer visit the museum and have paid for a group visit, we will issue the organisation in question with a credit note. This is also the case if more than 10 paid-for attendees are not present on the day. A group organiser will need to arrange a rescheduled visit in advance. 1 rescheduled visit can be redeemed on a credit note; therefore, we advise the group organiser to bring the stated number of attendees on the rescheduled visit. If the rescheduled group has more attendees than stated on the credit note, we will issue the group organiser with a combined credit note invoice which will state the additional balance. Once the second group visit is complete, the credit note will expire.


Payment Terms

We accept the following methods of payment: In advance of visit via cheque, BACS payment or over the phone. The method of payment must be stated before the scheduled visit. Please note that your booking won’t be confirmed until the total balance has been received. With regards to international BACS payments, please do not pass on any bank charges to us. We must receive the balance stated above in full in order to complete your booking.


Risk Assessment Document

You can find our risk assessment form at www.themadmuseum.co.uk/schoolgroup-visits/ but if you would like a copy, please contact a member of our Bookings Team.


Safety On Site

It is imperative everyone visiting the museum understands and is aware of the safety information. If there is an accident during your visit, please inform a member of staff immediately. A first aider is available if required. If an emergency evacuation does occur, a continuous siren will sound. Please follow the direction of a member of staff. Visitors will be asked to vacate the premises through the museum’s entrance onto Henley Street or at the rear of the building. There are emergency exit signs throughout the museum.
Groups are given a safety briefing at the start of their visit to The MAD Museum. We request everyone listens to this and takes it on board. we reserve the right to ask any visitors who don’t abide by our health and safety rules to leave the museum immediately.



It is essential that pupils are supervised at all times during their visit to The MAD Museum. The minimum level of supervision that the museum requires is one supervising adult/ teacher for every 10 learners aged 5-16yrs. If you do not follow this requirement we have the right to refuse admission to groups with insufficient supervision. Please make sure all teachers/ supervising adults attending your visit recognise that they are responsible for the behaviour, actions and care of their pupils.



Pre-Booking for February Half Term (15th - 23rd Feb) will be required. Tickets availablehere